Sunday, February 3, 2019

Tool Video Vs. Quay Brothers

Tool - Sober music video 1993 (left) vs. Quay Brothers - Street of Crocodiles film 1986 (right)

Quay Brothers - Street of Crocodiles 1986

Both have scenes of meat being rubbed by a dolls hand.

 Prison Sex - Sober video 1993 (left) vs. Quay Brothers - Cabinet of jan Svankmajer 1984 (right)
Both have scenes with a character standing in front of a wall of drawers.

Tool - Sober - Prison Sex music video 1993 (above)
Scene of an arm reaching for a taught thread.

Quay Brothers - Street of Crocodiles 1986
Scene of an arm reaching for a taught thread.

Tool - Sober - Prison Sex music video 1993
Has a character with one eye that repeatedly rubs a bump on his head.

Quay Brothers - Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies 1987
Has a character with one eye that repeatedly rubs a bump on his head.

This is just documenting similar scenes and which came first. 
A Quay fan is able to see the parts that were "inspired". 

A video for "Sober" was made in 1993. It debuted in May of that same year and was directed by Fred Stuhr.  It was filmed using stop-motion animation, with the characters' models designed by Adam Jones. It was the first of Tool's videos to be made in stop motion. 

Fred Stuhr. Stop-motion animator Fred Stuhr died last in 1997 in a car accident. The 30 year-old, Los Angeles-based director was recognized for his grunge-inspired puppet animation music videos "Sober" and "Prison Sex".

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